Be Sure to Attend this Year’s PILF Silent and Live Auction
April 1, 2014
Be sure to come out and place your bid at this year’s carnival themed Public Interest Law Foundation (PILF) auction being held on Friday, April 4 beginning at 5:30 p.m. on TJSL’s third floor.
Tickets are $10 and will include carnival games, raffles, food, beverages, entertainment and silent and live auctions.
Some of this year’s auction items will include autographed sports memorabilia, items from salons and spas, restaurants, hotels, San Diego Padres tickets, professor donations, wine tasting tours and donations from every bar review course.
The proceeds from the auction will help fund scholarships for students with unpaid public interest internships and travel stipends to the Equal Justice Works Career Fair and Conference in Washington, D.C.
Student volunteers get in for free and are eligible to receive PILF scholarship funds. See PILF’s TWEN page for more information on the scholarship and to sign-up to volunteer.
Click here to purchase admission and raffle tickets and to view a list of auction items.
The doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the live auction begins at 6:30 p.m.