Ceremony Celebrates Honor Roll Students
March 10, 2011
It was the first honors ceremony since TJSL moved into its new downtown campus in January.
Dean Rudy Hasl said the new location of the ceremony, held Wednesday March 9 in one of the spacious new third-floor classrooms, added so much to the atmosphere and formality of the event.
“Seeing you all here makes such a difference,” the dean said to the Distinguished Honor Roll and Honor Roll recipients at the ceremony. “This is our opportunity to say how much we appreciate the effort you have put in to be here. You have worked hard to achieve what you have achieved.”
The honor roll was for achievement during the Summer 10 and Fall 2010 semesters.
As Dean Hasl said in an email sent to everyone at TJSL:
“I want to thank everyone who participated in the Honors Reception yesterday. It was a very successful event, with a very large number of the recipients present for the presentations. As I said in my opening remarks, these are the students who really deserve our praise for their diligence during the summer and the fall semester to qualify for Distinguished Honors and Honors certificates. I was again impressed by the diversity of the participants. That does not happen in other law schools. We should all be pleased with the success that our students are having in the academic program. I think there was such a positive spirit among the recipients. Hopefully, we can capture that energy and get it to permeate the entire academic enterprise. The reception in the 5th floor of the library also added a special touch of class.”
Dean Hasl also told the honors students that the law school will do its best to match their efforts through the Career Services Office by “creating great opportunities for you that fit your career goals.”
“We consider ourselves partners in your journey, said Student Services director Lisa Ferreira. “It is our pride and privilege to share these moments with you.”