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From Patents to Porn

October 18, 2013

Thomas Jefferson School of Law, in association with the Entertainment Law Society, Center for Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property Law Association, presents…

From Patents to Porn: The #Blurred Lines Between Intellectual Property #Trolls and Legitimate Intellectual Property Enforcement

Friday, October 18, 2013 4–6pm

Room 229, Reception at 6-7pm on 8th floor


1.75 Hours of General MCLE Credit Available

In the patent world, a troll is an entity that obtains patents for inventions it never intends to market, instead lurking in the shadows to zap purported infringers with patent infringement suits.

In the copyright world, so-called “sample trolls” such as Bridgeport Music, are entities that create nothing, but control the music copyrights of artists and exist to find infringing samples or uses to extort payment.

At the heart of any “trolls” business model is not inventing useful inventions or creating great music or art, but litigation of controlled IP.

This forum, featuring four of the most accomplished patent and copyright lawyers in the country, will explore the phenomena of IP trolls, from the world of technological invention to the world of film and music. From technological inventions under patent law, to pornography and musical works under copyright law, this provocative forum is sure to generate light and heat on a cutting-edge issue bedeviling IP law.


  1. Stephen D. Rothschild, Esq., Partner – King, Holmes, Paterno, & Berliner
  2. Fred Hernandez, Esq., Member – Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky, and Popeo, P.C.
  3. David Branfman, Esq., Branfman Law Group, P.C.
  4. Joseph Re, Esq., Litigation Partner – Knobbe Martens

Produced & Hosted by

Professor Kevin Jerome “KJ” Greene

Directed by

Chanel DiBlasi, TJSL J.D. Candidate, 2015  

Patent Moderator

Professor Brenda Simon

Sponsored by

Mintz Levin Knobbe Martens

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