Professor Julie Greenberg to Speak to Alumni on Gender Identification Issues
March 22, 2013
When is a Man a Man and When is a Woman a Woman? Professor Julie Greenberg will explore this intriguing issue during an MCLE alumni association presentation on April 11 at 5:30 p.m.
The presentation will focus on the role that the government and other regulatory organizations play in establishing a person’s legal sex. It will examine international athletic rules that temporarily barred Caster Semenya, an 18-year-old South African runner from competition after she won a gold medal in the 800 meter 2009 World Championships. Instead of being able to celebrate her historic accomplishment, this shy and sheltered young woman was confronted with international headlines proclaiming that she was a “woman…and a man.” Gender questions also occur outside of the athletic arena; people have been asked to pass a gender test to prove their right to marry, obtain identity documents, and live in or use single sex facilities.
Professor Greenberg, who is a nationally renowned expert and author on the issues of intersexuality, will explain why millions of people with intersex conditions—approximately 2% of the population—may have their gender challenged and their lives dramatically disrupted.
“People with an intersex condition are subjected to stigma and discrimination in a number of areas” Professor Greenberg noted. “Infants with an intersex condition are being subjected to medically unnecessary, painful, invasive, life altering surgeries that are not medically necessary solely to conform their bodies to a stereotypical gender norm.”
The event will be held at the Executive Building, Lower Level Conference Room, 1010 Second Avenue, in downtown San Diego and is free to
TJSL alumni. It is also open to the general public at a cost of $25.
1.0 hour of general MCLE credit is available to attorneys on request.
Please RSVP by Tuesday, April 9 to
Additional Information
Contact: Stephanie Marquez
Phone: 619-961-4263