Professor Slomanson Reaches Scholarly Milestone
September 9, 2011
Professor William Slomanson has just achieved a pinnacle of scholarly endeavor. His various publications (148) have been cited over 1,000 times (now numbering 1,034). His work has also been reprinted in 2 book sections, 2 op-eds, 3 book reviews, and 9 law reviews. He has authored or co-authored 17 books, 32 law review articles, and 9 traditional book reviews (plus hundreds of short book reviews for the American Society of International Law).
Citation number 1,000 was the West Publishing Company reference to his article, “Emergence of the Tender Years Doctrine: Too Young to Drink but Capable of Escaping the Civil Consequences,” 5 Pepperdine Law Review 1 (1977). Professor Slomanson’s favorite citation appears in the West Annotated California Business and Professions Code § 25658. It is a coincidence that the Pepperdine commentary was his first lead article, while now being the source for his reaching this career milestone. As Professor Slomanson comments: “I am most proud of my statutory citations in the various state and federal annotated codes, because West has thereby made my work available to the practicing bar.”
Professor Slomanson began writing about legal topics in law school, having penned and published 4 articles while pursuing his J.D. and LL.M. degrees. As he acknowledges: “I am so fortunate, to be working in such a scholarly environment here at TJSL. Everyone has the publication bug, which is incredibly infectious. We are all able to stay on the cutting-edge of legal developments, thereby improving our work product in the classroom, as well as the reputation of TJSL.”