TJSL Announces New Visiting Professor for Spring 2013 Semester
March 19, 2012
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Eric Mitnick has announced that Michael Hayes, Associate Professor at the University of Baltimore School of Law, will serve as a Visiting Professor at TJSL during the Spring 2013 semester.
Professor Hayes, an experienced Torts teacher, will be teaching two sections of Torts II in Spring 2013, taking over the sections from Professor Susan Bisom-Rapp who will be on sabbatical that semester.
“We’re thrilled to have Professor Hayes join us next spring,” said TJSL Professor Anders Kaye, Chair of the Appointments Committee. “He’s not just a vibrant labor and employment law scholar with extensive practice experience representing major labor unions, he’s also a dynamic, dedicated teacher who has won more than a half-dozen teaching awards from students and faculty in his teaching career. He’ll be a wonderful addition to the law school community.”