TJSL at ABA National Appellate Advocacy Competition
February 28, 2012
By RuthAnne Bergt
TJSL students traveled to Seattle, Washington on February 22 – 25 to compete in the ABA National Appellate Advocacy Competition, the first Moot Court competition of 2012. The school sent two teams consisting of Katarzyna Grzechnik, Zachary Ruetz, David Vallero, James Balch, Sarah Davidson, and RuthAnne Bergt.
Both teams performed well in three rounds of competition held over three days in the U.S. District Courthouse in Seattle. This year’s topic was “Federal Statutory Medicaid and Health Care Law” and was about insurance coverage for children with Autism. The competition began with 211 teams competing in six regional competitions across the country and will culminate with National Finals in Chicago in April.