TJSL Grad Fair: Where Graduation Begins
February 27, 2014
It’s really happening! I made it! I’m graduating! Those were the overall sentiments felt by TJSL students attending the February 26, 2014 grad fair hosted by the Student Services Department held on the 5th floor in the Student Lounge.
“Graduating from law school represents much more than just a finish line,” said Criminal Law Fellow Samantha Morales. “It’s the beginning of a new life and the ultimate affirmation that anything is possible.”
Event attendees said that the grad fair is when graduation suddenly seems real for the first time – when they put on a cap & gown and step in front of the camera to have their graduation photo taken.
“Graduating from law school is a truly awe-inspiring experience,” said Federalist Society President Chase Victorson. “I cannot believe how quickly time went, or how much I have grown. I have wanted to go to law school since I was 6 years old, so this is a celebration a long time in the making. It is just a really cool feeling knowing that something I have wanted for so long is finally here.”
“I am very excited to be one step closer to realizing my childhood dream of becoming an attorney,” said Carly Surber. “It is so satisfying to finally see all of my blood, sweat, and tears pay off.”
In addition to graduation photos, the grad fair also offered A.D. Live Scan finger printing (for background checks), Career Services exit interview information, Financial aid exit interview information and the opportunity to order graduation regalia, invitations and announcements. Students also had the opportunity to enter a raffle to win a Diploma frame: Compliments of Herff Jones and Graduate photo package: Compliments of Grad Images.
“Graduation is an exciting time,” said Lukas Bylund. “I cannot wait to see my friends’ and colleagues’ dreams become their future.”
“Graduating law school will be one of the most gratifying and exhilarating experiences of my life,” said CJ Akselrad. “I cannot wait to walk across the stage on graduation day to accept my diploma… in a fabulous pair of shoes, of course.”
The Spring 2014 graduation will take place on May 17, 2014 at Copley’s Symphony Hall located at 750 B Street, San Diego in Downtown San Diego. Kimberly Roth is the spring 2014 valedictorian.