TJSL SBA Back to School Bash
September 14, 2010
by Joshua Tallman, 2L
The annual TJSL SBA Back to School Bash was held at the San Diego Rowing Club on Saturday night August 28. New and returning students mingled amongst great food and drink as new and old friends alike engaged in conversation, had a few laughs and even sang a karaoke song or two.
Many students started their day long before 6 p.m. helping to make sure the event went off without a hitch. Members of the SBA showed up in the morning at President Jeremy Evan’s apartment to slice and dice the vegetables and help prepare the food. While the food was being prepared, other students showed up at the rowing club in the early afternoon to set up tables and the grill.
With the venue set up students started to show up and the night began. The students could not get enough of the hamburgers and chicken as a line formed as the night went on. However everyone was able to get their food rather quickly and enjoy a bite to eat to go along with their drinks as conversation never seemed to slow.
Professors Golden and Slattery made appearances and conversed with new students as well as students from years gone by. The music kept going throughout the night as various students sang many karaoke songs as onlookers sang along and cheered them on.
This year’s annual TJSL SBA Back to School Bash was a huge success and the TJSL SBA would like to thank all those who came and had a good time and especially those students who helped prepare and make sure that the event went off without a hitch.