TJSL’s ADR Society Celebrates a Great Year
April 30, 2012
By Professor Paul Spiegelman
The Thomas Jefferson ADR Society was busy this weekend. On Friday, April 27, we elected new officers: Tim Thiel, President; Mike Juhren, Vice President; Tee Ho, Treasurer; and Tara Almazan, Secretary. The membership is excited about the new leadership and grateful to the outgoing board, Ryan Storms, Nick Snow, Christine Tornatore, and Tim Thiel. Right after elections, the finals of the intra-team competition were held. Andrew Isaac and Matt Odgers were the winners (Matt’s second straight year as winner of this event). Walter Araujo and Tee Ho were runners-up. Tara Almazan and Emily Shank and Patrick Downing rounded out the final four.
After a busy Friday, we held a gala celebration of a very successful year. With catering from Sushi Deli and Phil’s Barbecue, and a lovely setting on the tenth floor patio of the Vantage Point Apartments, we recognized the many accomplishments of this year, which included: Fifth Place in the Southwestern Entertainment Law Negotiation Competition (Ryan Storms and Allison Evans, coached by Elizabeth Chu and Andrew Isaac) in Los Angeles; Ninth in the ABA Negotiation Regional Competition at Santa Clara University (Elizabeth Chu and Dan Nguyen, coached by Nick Arcamone and Ryan Storms); Fourth in the ABA Representation in Mediation Competition (Vako Artinian and Esther Hyun, coached by David Keith, Emmanuel Rayes and Christine Tornatore); and Eighth in the California Bar Environmental Negotiation Competition (Emily Shank and Ryan Storms, coached by Molly Fashola and Andrew Isaac.) And, of course ADR Society Members Dan Nguyen and Sam Ehrlich (along with Justin Heim) won the national championship in the Tulane National Baseball Arbitration Competition in New Orleans.
The Saturday event was high-spirited and we also announced the ADR member of the year Jared Drucker for his devotion to the team.