William Byrnes Authors New Book for National Underwriter Sales Essentials Series
February 24, 2014
National Underwriter Sales Essentials: Prospecting, a new book by Associate Dean William Byrnes, was released February 10, 2014.
“The National Underwriter Sales Essentials Series combines all of the most practical, proven sales techniques advisors, agents, brokers, producers, sales managers or agency owners need to convert prospects into customers, win new business, and to grow sales,” related Rick Kravitz Managing Director of the Professional Publishing Division. “The Life & Health Sales Essentials focuses on the selling skills and techniques essential to achieving success—prospecting for new business and the demands of running an agency.”
“My co-author Robert Bloink and I wanted to write from a different focus than our tax books” explained Professor Byrnes. “We uncovered that many financial professionals, accountants and attorneys aren’t taught the necessary soft skills in business and law school to develop and manage a sustainable practice after graduation. This book addresses the soft skills necessary to be the firm ‘rainmaker’ and build a client base.”
Robert Bloink added, “Most young professionals don’t understand that the most valuable skill is the ability to attract and maintain clients. In the current legal market, there are twice as many graduates as good positions – it’s an employer’s market. For my business’ hiring interviews, we ask applicants: ‘What is your strategy to bring in clients and grow our business’. Many are stumped by that question.”
“In this new book we cover such topics as How to Clone Your Clients, What`s your Point of Difference?, The ‘Ben Franklin Method’ For Winning People Over, How to Cultivate A Network of Endless Referrals, and Marketing to the Millennials,” said Professor Byrnes.
“I am inviting Thomas Jefferson students to attend two soft skills webinars sponsored by Advisys where Robert and I will be speaking to around 500 professionals about obtaining and maintaining clients. March 5 will focus on lead development whereas April 2 will focus on client cloning, including: asking intriguing questions, C2C qualified introductions, repeating your successful formulae and finally, client crowd sourcing.
“Also, TJSL’s Director for the Center for Sports Law and Policy Jeremy Evans ’11 invited me to discuss ‘Prospecting in the Twenty-First Century’ on April 16 for a noon panel at the San Diego County Bar Association. The panel includes other Thomas Jefferson law professors and is open to our law students,” continued William Byrnes. “Students who don’t know Jeremy should reach out to him. He built his own practice through applying good business practices for networking. A success story of how to do it right.”
William Byrnes book is available at National Underwriter Sales Essentials: Prospecting.