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China Program 2012 – Week 1 – By Lisa Ferreira

May 28, 2012

Ferreira Blog
Ferreira Blog
Ferreira Blog
Ferreira Blog
Ferreira Blog

TJSL’s Student Services Director Lisa Ferreira also is in Hangzhou, China with the Study Abroad Program and sent this note on her experiences after arriving.

May 28

Things here in China are getting off to a great start.  I arrived yesterday.  Last night believe it or not a student and I decided to eat at an Italian restaurant and who should we run into, but Professor Templin.  More and more students arrived and the restaurant ended up looking like the TJSL student lounge. 

Today I went off to class and sat in on Professor Tiefenbrun’s class and the Chinese Legal Systems course where students discussed the US System and the China System, co taught by U.S. Appeals Court Judge John Walker, a Distinguished Guest Lecturer.  It led to some very interesting discussion that included ethics and transparency.  We came back to the hotel and students went different ways.  For me, I decided to talk a long, long walk around West Lake.  It is so beautiful.  There were a lot of people playing music, ballroom dancing, and even some folks singing.  What really struck me as interesting is that the people performing are often my age or older.  West Lake is also like a fashion show.  I have never seen so many women dress so colorfully and walk in high, high heels.  There were young couples with children, teenagers, and young adults alike.  I really appreciate that about the culture that they actually get out and enjoy the weather.  I found myself power walking my way through the area and realized how everyone slowed down, walked, stopped and sat, and just enjoyed the beautiful weather and the scenery.