Professor Bisom-Rapp to Speak at UCSD
May 23, 2014
Professor Susan Bisom-Rapp will present a talk at the University of California, San Diego on Tuesday, May 27th as the guest of The Center for Research on Gender in the Professions (CRGP). Her talk, It’s Complicated: Age, Gender, and Lifetime Discrimination Against Working Women, is based on an article she co-authored with U.K. Professor Malcolm Sargeant, which is forthcoming in The Elder Law Journal. Professor Bisom-Rapp is a Senior Academic Affiliate of UCSD’s CRGP. The Center made the following announcement of the presentation, which runs from 2:00 – 3:30 pm:
CRGP Senior Academic Affiliate and Thomas Jefferson School of Law Professor Susan Bisom-Rapp will present “It’s Complicated: Age, Gender, and Lifetime Discrimination Against Working Women,” an article she co-authored with Malcolm Sargeant, of Middlesex University Business School. The talk will focus on how disadvantages accrue over a lifetime for women, both in the U.S. and in the U.K., providing an interesting backdrop for considering the 50th anniversary of Title VII. CRGP Senior Academic Affiliate Kate Antonovics, a faculty member of the UCSD Economics Department, will serve as the discussant for the talk. This event will be held from 2:00 to 3:30 pm in Social Sciences Building Room 107 on the UCSD campus.